Specificity of Argumentation Skills Manifestation in Argumentative Essay of Unified State English Exam
Kashcheeva Anna Vladimirovna
Derzhavin Tambov State University
Submitted: 27.05.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal specificity of students’ argumentation skills manifestation in the argumentative essay. The article describes structure of argumentation competence manifesting itself in proper organization of the essay paper, identifies typical semantic relations in the argumentative text and considers use of semantic connectors and key words as components of the argumentation strategy. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author identifies the role of cohesion skills in structure of students’ argumentation competence. The research findings are as follows: the author shows that insufficient cohesion skills, in particular, low competence in using semantic connectors and key words, influences negatively the quality of students’ argumentation.
Key words and phrases: умения аргументации, эссе - выражение собственного мнения, единый государственный экзамен, английский язык, способы семантической связи для развития аргументов, argumentation skills, argumentative essay, Unified State Exam, English language, semantic connectors
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