Transhumanization of Human Consciousness as a Result of Education Digitalization (Psychological and Pedagogical Analysis)
Gordin Aleksandr Innokentevich, Gordina Olga Vasilevna
Irkutsk State University
Submitted: 18.07.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to determine psychological and pedagogical risks of education digitalization and to show that digital technologies can be used as a tool for transhumanization of human consciousness. The authors present the main approaches to defining the notions "information autism", "digital dementia", "information dehumanization of education", "human information culture". The article justifies the necessity to counteract transhumanism imposed on the Russian education system without a proper expert assessment within the professional community of psychologists, teachers and parents. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the use of digital technologies in formal education are revealed. Relying on long-term experience of teaching authorial courses "Information Socialization of Children and Teenagers", "Pedagogical Strategies to Develop Individual Social Capital", the authors propose contextual definitions of subject terms, classify them, and herein lies scientific originality of the study. The conducted theoretical research justifies the necessity of expert evaluation of education digitalization campaign in Russia.
Key words and phrases: информационная культура, трансгуманизм, психолого-педагогический анализ, цифровизация образования, information culture, transhumanism, psychological and pedagogical analysis, education digitalization
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