SMART Learning as New Educational Model through the Eyes of Teachers and Students
Chernykh Arina Andreevna, Krolevetskaya Elena Nikolaevna
Belgorod National Research University
Submitted: 17.06.2021
Abstract. The paper analyzes teachers’ and students’ attitude to a newly accepted SMART learning model, reveals peculiarities of SMART education. Relying on the conducted analysis, the authors identify how well teachers and students are familiar with SMART learning conception, discover specificity of introducing SMART technologies in educational institutions of Belgorod region. Scientific originality of the study involves revealing the essence of SMART learning as a new educational model recently implemented in educational institutions of different levels. The conducted research allows drawing the following conclusions: teachers accept importance of SMART technologies and recognize the potential of SMART learning environment in improving the educational process quality, however, they failed to develop a subjective position on the problem of SMART technologies introduction.
Key words and phrases: образовательная модель, педагог, субъектная позиция, SMART-обучение, SMART-технологии, SMART learning, educational model, teacher, SMART technologies, subjective position
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