Role-Play as a Way of Forming the Social Culture of Students Attending Psychological-Pedagogical Classes of Secondary Schools
Aksenov Sergey Ivanovich, Kuznetsova Svetlana Valeryevna, Labutin Andrey Sergeyevich
Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 11.04.2022
Abstract. The paper aims to characterise role-play as a technology for the formation of significant components of social culture among students for solving problem-creative tasks in psychological-pedagogical classes. The authors note the educational nature of the prospects for the use of this technology in the process of forming significant components of the social culture of students’ personality by immersing students in proposed professional circumstances. Scientific novelty of the study lies in supplementing the existing tools of interaction between the teacher and students attending psychological-pedagogical classes in terms of forming the students’ social culture. As a result, the authors show that the circumstances of role-play immersion contribute to the formation of schoolchildren’s critical thinking for solving problem situations; the practice of communication skills, self-development and self-regulation, emotional intelligence development.
Key words and phrases: ролевая игра, психолого-педагогический класс, социальная культура школьников, профильное педагогическое обучение, role-play, psychological-pedagogical class, social culture of schoolchildren, specialised teacher training
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