Formation of motivation to study a second foreign language among students of language faculties using gamification elements (by the example of German language teaching)
Bystray Elena Borisovna, Skorobrenko Ivan Alexandrowich, Belova Larissa Alexandrowna
South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
Submitted: 15.02.2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to substantiate the necessity and expediency of including gamification elements in the process of teaching a second foreign language to students of language faculties to increase their motivation. The paper focuses on the role of gamification in the formation of stable positive motivation of students to learn a foreign language. The scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a system to increase students’ internal motivation, which is based on the gamification method relying on the implementation of the following principles: the game orientation of the learning process, the use of a point-based system for assessing students’ results, the implementation of the “Feedback” strategy and the interactive nature of learning in the framework of teaching the discipline “Practical Course of a Second Foreign Language (German)”. As a result of the study, it has been revealed that students showed great interest in mastering a second foreign language during the implementation of fragments of classes using gamification elements.
Key words and phrases: обучение немецкому языку в вузе, практический курс второго иностранного языка, мотивация, элементы геймификации, German language teaching at a university, practical course of a second foreign language, motivation, gamification elements
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