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The Russian Musical Art of the Early XX Century: FOLC Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
| 2231-2237 |
Study of Art |
Demchenko A. I. Semantic Concepts of the World Artistic Heritage. Moscow, 2021. 614 p.: Opinion Paper Serova Natalia Sergeevna
| 2238-2239 |
Study of Art |
Organizational Aspects of the Industrial Enterprises Evacuation to the Kazakh SSR during the Great Patriotic War Abdiraiymova Ardak Serikbaevna, Anufrieva Evgeniya Vladimirovna
| 2240-2244 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Development of Defence Enterprises of the Ryazan Region in the 40-60s of the XX Century Agarev Alexander Fedorovich, Honkin Sergey Nikolaevich
| 2245-2250 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Minute Books as a Source on the History of Judicial Proceedings in Russia in the 1720s Borodina Elena Vasilievna
| 2251-2256 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Komsomol Apparatus of the Second Half of the 1930s: Transformations of the "Nomenclature Revolution" Period Bredikhin Vladimir Evgenevich, Samokhin Konstantin Vladimirovich
| 2257-2261 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Commemorative Materials for Creating a Virtual Symbolic Environment of Historical and Cultural Memory (by the Example of S. V. Rachmaninoff’s and M. V. Aseev’s Memorial Places) Vyazinkin Aleksei Yurievich, Dvukhzhilova Irina Vladimirovna
| 2262-2266 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Charity Practices of Provincial Society at the Beginning of the 20th Century (by the Example of Tsaritsyn) Litvinova Irina Nikolaevna
| 2267-2271 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Composition and Number of the Electoral Assembly of Chistopol in 1872-1892 Nedorezov Mikhail Viktorovich
| 2272-2276 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Issues of Adult Illiteracy Eradication in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR in the 1920s-1930s Soboleva Anastasia Nikolaevna, Khomyakov Sergey Vasil'yevich
| 2277-2281 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Agrarian History of North-Eastern China: Manchukuo Period (1932-1945) Beloglazov Gennady Petrovich
| 2282-2288 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
The Role of Eastern Caucasus in Ottoman-Safavid Confrontation at the Beginning of the XVI Century Gadzhimuradov Murad Tagirovich
| 2289-2293 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Restoration of Fides Cult during Caesar Augustus' Reign Golikova Maria Sergeevna
| 2294-2298 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Peculiarities of Conversion of the Conservative Party of Great Britain from Moderate Eurooptimism to Euroscepticism (1990-2005) Usova Yuliya Sergeevna
| 2299-2303 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Transformation of the Customary Legal System of the Russian Peasantry in the Modern Culture of the Russian Population Titova Tat'yana Alekseevna, Frolova Elena Valer'evna
| 2304-2307 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Transformation of the Legend about the Image of Phidias and Pericles on the Shield of Athena Parthenos by Plutarch and Other Ancient Authors Larionova Natalia Bogdanovna
| 2308-2312 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Varangian-Russian Issue in the Soviet Science of the 1920s-1930s Fomin Vyacheslav Vasil?evich
| 2313-2324 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Domestic Historiography of Christian Socialist Workers’ and Peasants’ Party Chemakin Anton Aleksandrovich
| 2325-2331 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Confrontation in Conflict Management Ovchinnikova Tatiana Maratovna
| 2332-2337 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Notion of Nature in Ancient Greece Prokofyev Artyom Andreevich
| 2338-2342 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Ethical Risks of Digital Transformation of Higher Education Valeeva Galina Viktorovna
| 2343-2347 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Religious Humanism. Humanism with Religion, or Humanism as Religion: 20 Years of the Amsterdam Declaration Gorbunov Svyatoslav Sergeevich
| 2348-2351 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Aesthetic Meanings of Architecture in the System of Architect’s Professional Ethics Karpov Sergey Viktorovich
| 2352-2355 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Evolution of Social Ideals from Era to Era Guseva Irina Ivanovna, Ryazanov Alexander Vladimirovich
| 2356-2359 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Specificity of Civilizational Risks and Mechanisms to Overcome Them Mironova Nadezhda Vitalievna
| 2360-2366 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Identification of Conflictogenity Factors in Academic Environment Orekhovskaya Natalia Anatolievna, Godzhaeva Aida Dzhavadovna
| 2367-2371 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Model of the Domestic Political Process: Factor of Intra-Elite Contradictions (Article 2) Tambiyants Yulian Grigorievich, Grin Maxim Valentinovich, Ivanenko Igor Nikolaevich
| 2372-2378 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Philosophical and Aesthetic Principles of Creative Process Management by the Example of Sound Recording Process Krylov Vladislav Konstantinovich
| 2379-2383 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Religious Prison Service in the Context of Solving Practical Problems of a Secular Legal State Belov Petr Yuryevich
| 2384-2389 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Rhythmic Organization Features in Pop-up Theatre Performance "Behind the Bar Counter with Charles Bukowski" Serdukova Alena Viktorovna
| 2390-2396 |
Study of Art |
Chinese Opera Art of the Sino-Japanese War Period: Genre through the Lens of Westernization Wang Jie
| 2397-2403 |
Study of Art |
J. Brahms’s Variations on a Theme by Schumann, op. 9: Stylistic Peculiarities and Performance Problems Gaponenko Tat'yana Nikolaevna, Kuznetsova Alina Vladimirovna, Sbitneva Liudmila Vasilievna
| 2404-2410 |
Study of Art |
Specificity of Teaching Vocal Performance Getmanenko Anastasiia Olegovna, Baburyan Alla Igorevna
| 2411-2415 |
Study of Art |
Mordovian Bourdon-Heterophonic Polyphony as a Potential Object of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List Isaeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna
| 2416-2420 |
Study of Art |
Timbre Character Formation of the Domra Part in the Folk-Orchestra Repertoire Romashkova Olga Nikolaevna, Semishova Anna Mihailovna
| 2421-2425 |
Study of Art |
Development of Saxophone Performance in China within the Framework of Military Orchestras' Activities Zhou Yiqun
| 2426-2429 |
Study of Art |
On Interpretation of Notion "Title" in Russian Musicology (by the Example of Children’s Piano Music) Shefova Elena Alexandrovna
| 2430-2434 |
Study of Art |
Style Characteristics of Chinese Cantonese Export Furniture of the Middle of the XVIII - the First Third of the XIX Century Brovko Ekaterina Mikhailovna
| 2435-2438 |
Study of Art |
Society of Easel Painters: Compositional and Plot Parallels Voronovich Elena Vladimirovna
| 2439-2445 |
Study of Art |
Multifunctional Complexes as one of the Trends in the Organization of Modern Comfortable Environment Barsukova Natalia Ivanovna, Zhukova Irina Valerievna
| 2446-2449 |
Study of Art |
Ways to Optimize Motion Design of Project When Creating Operative Graphics for Television Borisov Alexey Vladimirovich
| 2450-2454 |
Study of Art |
Boris Eifman: On the Way to the Modern Ballet Theatre Katysheva Jenny Nikolaevna
| 2455-2458 |
Study of Art |