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SOURCE:    Manuscript. Tambov: Gramota, 2021. № 11.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
The Russian Musical Art of the Early XX Century: FOLC
Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
2231-2237 Study of Art
Demchenko A. I. Semantic Concepts of the World Artistic Heritage. Moscow, 2021. 614 p.: Opinion Paper
Serova Natalia Sergeevna
2238-2239 Study of Art
Organizational Aspects of the Industrial Enterprises Evacuation to the Kazakh SSR during the Great Patriotic War
Abdiraiymova Ardak Serikbaevna, Anufrieva Evgeniya Vladimirovna
2240-2244 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Development of Defence Enterprises of the Ryazan Region in the 40-60s of the XX Century
Agarev Alexander Fedorovich, Honkin Sergey Nikolaevich
2245-2250 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Minute Books as a Source on the History of Judicial Proceedings in Russia in the 1720s
Borodina Elena Vasilievna
2251-2256 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Komsomol Apparatus of the Second Half of the 1930s: Transformations of the "Nomenclature Revolution" Period
Bredikhin Vladimir Evgenevich, Samokhin Konstantin Vladimirovich
2257-2261 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Commemorative Materials for Creating a Virtual Symbolic Environment of Historical and Cultural Memory (by the Example of S. V. Rachmaninoff’s and M. V. Aseev’s Memorial Places)
Vyazinkin Aleksei Yurievich, Dvukhzhilova Irina Vladimirovna
2262-2266 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Charity Practices of Provincial Society at the Beginning of the 20th Century (by the Example of Tsaritsyn)
Litvinova Irina Nikolaevna
2267-2271 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Composition and Number of the Electoral Assembly of Chistopol in 1872-1892
Nedorezov Mikhail Viktorovich
2272-2276 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Issues of Adult Illiteracy Eradication in the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR in the 1920s-1930s
Soboleva Anastasia Nikolaevna, Khomyakov Sergey Vasil'yevich
2277-2281 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Agrarian History of North-Eastern China: Manchukuo Period (1932-1945)
Beloglazov Gennady Petrovich
2282-2288 Historical Sciences and Archeology
The Role of Eastern Caucasus in Ottoman-Safavid Confrontation at the Beginning of the XVI Century
Gadzhimuradov Murad Tagirovich
2289-2293 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Restoration of Fides Cult during Caesar Augustus' Reign
Golikova Maria Sergeevna
2294-2298 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Peculiarities of Conversion of the Conservative Party of Great Britain from Moderate Eurooptimism to Euroscepticism (1990-2005)
Usova Yuliya Sergeevna
2299-2303 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Transformation of the Customary Legal System of the Russian Peasantry in the Modern Culture of the Russian Population
Titova Tat'yana Alekseevna, Frolova Elena Valer'evna
2304-2307 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Transformation of the Legend about the Image of Phidias and Pericles on the Shield of Athena Parthenos by Plutarch and Other Ancient Authors
Larionova Natalia Bogdanovna
2308-2312 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Varangian-Russian Issue in the Soviet Science of the 1920s-1930s
Fomin Vyacheslav Vasil?evich
2313-2324 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Domestic Historiography of Christian Socialist Workers’ and Peasants’ Party
Chemakin Anton Aleksandrovich
2325-2331 Historical Sciences and Archeology
Confrontation in Conflict Management
Ovchinnikova Tatiana Maratovna
2332-2337 Philosophical Sciences
Notion of Nature in Ancient Greece
Prokofyev Artyom Andreevich
2338-2342 Philosophical Sciences
Ethical Risks of Digital Transformation of Higher Education
Valeeva Galina Viktorovna
2343-2347 Philosophical Sciences
Religious Humanism. Humanism with Religion, or Humanism as Religion: 20 Years of the Amsterdam Declaration
Gorbunov Svyatoslav Sergeevich
2348-2351 Philosophical Sciences
Aesthetic Meanings of Architecture in the System of Architect’s Professional Ethics
Karpov Sergey Viktorovich
2352-2355 Philosophical Sciences
Evolution of Social Ideals from Era to Era
Guseva Irina Ivanovna, Ryazanov Alexander Vladimirovich
2356-2359 Philosophical Sciences
Specificity of Civilizational Risks and Mechanisms to Overcome Them
Mironova Nadezhda Vitalievna
2360-2366 Philosophical Sciences
Identification of Conflictogenity Factors in Academic Environment
Orekhovskaya Natalia Anatolievna, Godzhaeva Aida Dzhavadovna
2367-2371 Philosophical Sciences
Model of the Domestic Political Process: Factor of Intra-Elite Contradictions (Article 2)
Tambiyants Yulian Grigorievich, Grin Maxim Valentinovich, Ivanenko Igor Nikolaevich
2372-2378 Philosophical Sciences
Philosophical and Aesthetic Principles of Creative Process Management by the Example of Sound Recording Process
Krylov Vladislav Konstantinovich
2379-2383 Philosophical Sciences
Religious Prison Service in the Context of Solving Practical Problems of a Secular Legal State
Belov Petr Yuryevich
2384-2389 Philosophical Sciences
Rhythmic Organization Features in Pop-up Theatre Performance "Behind the Bar Counter with Charles Bukowski"
Serdukova Alena Viktorovna
2390-2396 Study of Art
Chinese Opera Art of the Sino-Japanese War Period: Genre through the Lens of Westernization
Wang Jie
2397-2403 Study of Art
J. Brahms’s Variations on a Theme by Schumann, op. 9: Stylistic Peculiarities and Performance Problems
Gaponenko Tat'yana Nikolaevna, Kuznetsova Alina Vladimirovna, Sbitneva Liudmila Vasilievna
2404-2410 Study of Art
Specificity of Teaching Vocal Performance
Getmanenko Anastasiia Olegovna, Baburyan Alla Igorevna
2411-2415 Study of Art
Mordovian Bourdon-Heterophonic Polyphony as a Potential Object of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List
Isaeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna
2416-2420 Study of Art
Timbre Character Formation of the Domra Part in the Folk-Orchestra Repertoire
Romashkova Olga Nikolaevna, Semishova Anna Mihailovna
2421-2425 Study of Art
Development of Saxophone Performance in China within the Framework of Military Orchestras' Activities
Zhou Yiqun
2426-2429 Study of Art
On Interpretation of Notion "Title" in Russian Musicology (by the Example of Children’s Piano Music)
Shefova Elena Alexandrovna
2430-2434 Study of Art
Style Characteristics of Chinese Cantonese Export Furniture of the Middle of the XVIII - the First Third of the XIX Century
Brovko Ekaterina Mikhailovna
2435-2438 Study of Art
Society of Easel Painters: Compositional and Plot Parallels
Voronovich Elena Vladimirovna
2439-2445 Study of Art
Multifunctional Complexes as one of the Trends in the Organization of Modern Comfortable Environment
Barsukova Natalia Ivanovna, Zhukova Irina Valerievna
2446-2449 Study of Art
Ways to Optimize Motion Design of Project When Creating Operative Graphics for Television
Borisov Alexey Vladimirovich
2450-2454 Study of Art
Boris Eifman: On the Way to the Modern Ballet Theatre
Katysheva Jenny Nikolaevna
2455-2458 Study of Art
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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