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Modernity I (Early ХХ Century) - Artwork Directions Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
| 9-16 |
Study of Art |
Railway Battleships in Defence of Ryazan Combat Site during the Battle of Moscow of 1941-1942 Agarev Alexander Fyodorovich, Shevchenko Andrey Alexandrovich
| 17-21 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Deviant Behaviour in Towns of Western Siberia in the Second Half of the XIX Century Akberdeeva Dinara Ilgizarovna, Aksarin Vyacheslav Valerievich
| 21-27 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
A. I. Galanin as a Regional Ethnographer and Educator (on the History of Togliatti Regional Studies) Buraya Inna Viktorovna
| 27-36 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Formation of a Model of State Management of the Yakut Economy in the First Years of New Economic Policy (1921-1922) Burnasheva Natalia Ivanovna
| 36-40 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
"Memoirs" of D. A. Zasosov and V. I. Pyzin as Source to Study Saint Petersburg Everyday Life in the 1890-1910s Mamyachenkov Vladimir Nikolajevich, Shvedoff Vladislav Vitaljevich
| 40-44 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Interaction of the Mennonite Agricultural Cooperatives in Russia and Ukraine in the Years of New Economic Policy Redkina Olga Yuryevna, Nazarova Tatyana Pavlovna, Morozova Natalia Vladimirovna
| 44-47 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Measures of Yakutsk Municipal Government to Supply Population with Basic Consumer Goods in the Years of the First World War (August 1914 - February 1917) Savvinov Pavel Olegovich
| 48-55 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Northern Expedition of the Yakut Cryosolic Research Station Team of 1947-1948 Suleymanov Alexander Albertovich
| 55-59 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Contribution of the National and Russian Intelligentsia to Development of Education in Karachay in the XVIII - at the Beginning of the XX Century Chotchaev Dakhir Dzhansokhovich, Borlakova Fatima Aslanbekovna
| 60-63 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Disfranchisement as an Element of Marginalization Process in the Society of the 1920-1930s through the Destinies of Tobolsk City and Tobolsk District Residents (Historical and Anthropological Aspect) Yunina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
| 64-75 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Mass Anti-Catholic Protests of 1688: Revolutionary Excesses or Struggle with Counter-Revolution in England? Sidorenko Leonid Vladimirovich
| 76-80 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Studying Mythological Space: Trickster, Transgression and "Transmuted Forms" Ershov Mikhail Fedorovich
| 81-86 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
"Martyrdom of John of Phanidjoit" as Historical Source Frangulian Lilia Rubenovna
| 87-92 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
China’s Influence on the Course of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 Kutsenko Boris Olegovich
| 93-98 |
Historical Sciences and Archeology |
Meaning of Suffering in the Orthodox Theology and the Russian Religious Philosophy Orlov Mikhail Olegovich, Mochinskaya Kseniya Aleksandrovna, Toryanik Yulia Alekseevna
| 99-102 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Understanding as Cognitive Procedure in the Humanities: Historical and Philosophical Analysis Romaschenko Maria Alexandrovna, Romaschenko Alexandr Alexandrovich
| 103-106 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Meaningful Content of the Notion "Care" Volodin Vladimir Vladimirovich
| 107-110 |
Philosophical Sciences |
"Event": From Everyday Concept to Scientific Category Ivanova Mariya Evgen'evna
| 111-119 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Viewer’s Perspective Problem in G. Leibniz’s and G. Deleuze’s Philosophy Akulinin Viktor Nikolaevich
| 120-123 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Content of Civilised Self-Consciousness and Possibility of Its Transformation in Present-Day Conditions Butenko Nadezhda Alekseevna
| 123-126 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Return of Homo Politicus under Neoliberal Governmentality Zvolev Nikolai Pavlovich
| 127-130 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Relevance of Studying Sociolinguistic Aspect of Old Age and Aging Pashina Lyudmila Alexandrovna
| 131-134 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Temporal Component of Social Myth as Socio-Formative Structure Ryabtsev Sergei Viktorovich, Kirillov Pavel Evgen`evich
| 135-139 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Scientific Dynasties Role in Sociocultural Development of a Region Saprykina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
| 139-143 |
Philosophical Sciences |
On Interrelation of Value and Meaningful Orientations of Residents and Non-Residents of Creative Spaces and Human Potential Indexes of the North-Caucasian and Southern Federal Districts Cities Sukhovskaya Dar'ya Nikolaevna
| 143-151 |
Philosophical Sciences |
New Age Network and Its Regional Representation in Modern Society Khvastunova Julia Viktorovna
| 151-156 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Methodology to Define the Category "Motherland" Chikaeva Tatiana Alexandrovna
| 156-159 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Artefact Man: The Problem Statement Dimitrova Svetlana Vasil’evna
| 160-163 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Political Silence: Forms, Meaning, Ways of Inclusion in Political Speech Popov Dmitry Vladimirovich
| 164-169 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Civil Service Examination System (Keju) in Imperial China Shogenova Lyana Akhmedovna
| 170-174 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Buddhist Religious Cult as Autopoietic System Krinskaia Zoia Andreevna
| 175-179 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Specificity of Representing the "Sacred Grove" Concept as a Socio-Cultural Component of Watsdin Faith Shizhenskiy Roman Vital’evich, Kocheganova Polina Petrovna
| 179-182 |
Philosophical Sciences |
Folkloric Methods in Choral Miniatures from G. G. Vdovin’s Vocal-Choreographic Suite "Тейтерень Пия Кудо" ("Maiden House of Beer") Gulaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, Kinyakina Lyudmila Viktorovna
| 183-190 |
Study of Art |
Spatialization of Musical Time and Its Role in Modern Composers’ Creative Work Krishtalyuk Olga Aleksandrovna
| 190-194 |
Study of Art |
Images of Wales in K. Jenkins’s Creative Work: On the Issue of Cultural Memory Constructing Chereshniuk Irina Rafaelevna
| 195-199 |
Study of Art |
M. Mussorgsky’s "Boris Godunov" as It Is Interpreted by A. Tarkovsky and R. Lloyd Zhang Hui
| 199-204 |
Study of Art |
Romantic Element in Azon Fattakh’s Instrumental Creative Work (by the Example of the Korean Suite and the Lyrical Piece for the French Horn and the Piano) Chistyakov Roman Vyacheslavovich
| 204-208 |
Study of Art |
"Unique Monument" in Regional Architecture Study (by the Example of Vyatka Province Architectural Heritage) Gildina Tatyana Aleksandrovna
| 209-215 |
Study of Art |