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SOURCE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2020. № 2.
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index
Article Pages Section
Methodological Aspects of Using Interactive Technologies when Teaching a Foreign Language to Higher School Students
Asmolovskaya Mariya Vladimirovna, Valeev Agzam Abrarovich
135-141 Pedagogical Sciences
Criteria-Based Assessment of Higher School Students’ Educational Achievements
Zemlyanskaya Elena Nikolaevna
142-147 Pedagogical Sciences
Students’ Social Interaction Competence: Essence, Structure and Content
Rodina Ol'ga Nikolaevna
148-152 Pedagogical Sciences
Factors to Develop Efficient "Teacher - Student" Relations in Modern School
Ushatikova Irina Igorevna, Khuzin Al'bert Galimzyanovich
153-157 Pedagogical Sciences
Developing English-Language Lexical Competence among Alfa Generation Children Using Mobile Applications
Anisiforova Tat'yana Sergeevna, Klochkova Galina Mikhailovna
158-162 Pedagogical Sciences
Teaching Visual Art to Children with Restricted Health Abilities on the Basis of a Special Partial Program under the Conditions of Preschool Educational Institutions
Astaf'eva Mariya Anatol'evna, Lukovenko Tat'yana Gennad'evna, Gavrishchak Marina Vladimirovna
163-169 Pedagogical Sciences
Linguo-Didactic Potential of Authentic Video Resources while Forming Professional Foreign-Language Auditory Competence in the Sphere of International Tourism
Dzhenenko Ol'ga Vladimirovna
170-175 Pedagogical Sciences
Practical Russian Language Skills as a Prerequisite for Academic Adaptation of the Central Asian Students
Korneva Galina Viktorovna, Gerasimova Elena Evgen'evna
176-179 Pedagogical Sciences
Organization of Subject Olympiads for Schoolchildren (by the Example of Olympiads in Journalism)
Kravchenko Yuliya Dmitrievna
180-184 Pedagogical Sciences
Specificity of Forming Junior Pupils’ Crosscultural Communicative Competence in Extracurricular Project Activity with the Use of Authentic Materials
Parfenova Svetlana Olegovna, Semenova Lyubov' Anatol'evna, Vasilenko Ekaterina Dmitrievna
185-189 Pedagogical Sciences
Attempt of Using a Mini-Site while Teaching the English Grammar to Correspondence Students
Pasechnik Tat'yana Borisovna, Karyakina Ekaterina Mikhailovna
190-195 Pedagogical Sciences
Eco-Psychological Model as a Basis of Developmental Teaching in Secondary Education
Plaksina Irina Vasil'evna, Samsonova Svetlana Yur'evna
196-201 Pedagogical Sciences
Linguo-Culturological Analysis of Fiction Text at the Lessons of the Russian Language and Literature at the Senior Stage of Secondary Education
Ryabchenko Natal'ya Nikolaevna, San'kova Alena Aleksandrovna
202-206 Pedagogical Sciences
Historical Chronology at History Lessons and Its Place in Development of Students’ Cognitive Interest
Skopa Vitalii Aleksandrovich
207-211 Pedagogical Sciences
Value Aspect of Education in the Context of Forming Future Journalists’ Professional Identity
Avdonina Natal'ya Sergeevna, Koibina Dar'ya Sergeevna
212-217 Pedagogical Sciences
Using Lexical Approach when Forming Linguistic Students’ Foreign-Language Communicative Competence
Vartanova Karina Yur'evna, Kiseleva Anna Vladimirovna, Sokolovskaya Natal'ya Aleksandrovna
218-222 Pedagogical Sciences
Methodology to Develop Military Students’ Foreign-Language Communicative Competence
Grigor'eva Dar'ya Aleksandrovna, Nain Al'bert Yakovlevich, Karpova Ol'ga Leonidovna
223-227 Pedagogical Sciences
Raising Technical Students’ Motivation for Studying English by Means of the English Language Week
Zakharova Ol’ga Olegovna
228-234 Pedagogical Sciences
Knowing the Basics of Information Technologies as a Prerequisite for Admission to Civil Engineering University
Ignat'ev Vladimir Petrovich, Tsoi Tamara Vladimirovna
235-239 Pedagogical Sciences
Formation of Philological Students’ Reading Experience
Inozemtseva Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Lar'kina Svetlana Evgen'evna
240-244 Pedagogical Sciences
Formation of Pedagogical Subjectivity and Research Potential of 4th-Year Bachelor Students during Pedagogical Practice
Malova Elena Nikolaevna
245-252 Pedagogical Sciences
Linguistic Business Game as a Means to Form Technical Students’ Communicative Competence
Parochkina Mariya Mikhailovna
253-258 Pedagogical Sciences
Mass Media Texts as a Means to Form Foreign Students’ Crosscultural Communicative Competence
Semenova Inna Vladimirovna
259-264 Pedagogical Sciences
Regional Model of Foreign Students’ Professional Socialization: Basic Characteristics
Solovtsova Irina Afanas'evna
265-271 Pedagogical Sciences
Means to Develop Pedagogical Optimism in the Process of Future Teacher’s Training
Yakovleva Yuliya Vladimirovna
272-276 Pedagogical Sciences
Procedure of Scientific Articles Publication | Subject Index

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